
Experts and Excellence in Plastic Surgery

Experts and excellence in plastic surgery physicians plastic surgeons.
A resource for members and patients.

About The Society

The Miami Society Of Plastic Surgeons was founded in 1975 as a Florida Non-profit organization by Miami Plastic surgeons for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a formal organization whose active members represent the highest standards in Plastic, Reconstructive, Aesthetic, and Hand Surgery in the Miami-Dade, Broward and South Florida area.

All active members of the Miami Society of Plastic Surgeons are Board Certified Plastic Surgeons as established by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons, Inc.  Active members are selected for membership based on their completion of a formal application process, review of rigorous academic record, ABPS Board Certification, moral character, integrity and ethical qualities.  Having met the highest standards of plastic surgery, patient safety and care,  prospective candidate members may be elected to membership and promoted to active member status within the Miami Society of Plastic Surgeons.


Benefits for Physicians

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Building Relationships

Representing Miami's Best And Most Reputable Board Certified Plastic Surgeons

Latest Event News

For all Press enquiries please contact info@themiamisocietyofplasticsurgeons.com

Our Vision

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Each surgeon is scrutinized by peers before becoming a member.